Thursday, August 27, 2009

The truth about smoking

And why do we Europeans, in fact, America discovered? We could live without tobacco and lung cancer do not die. Even Goethe in his time complained on the same occasion, calling the discovery of America tobacco punishment of mankind. However, to the punishment that mankind is very favorably ...
Of course, experts have long studied the tobacco leaf length and breadth. I found out that he has a rather complicated structure. It contains both proteins and carbohydrates, as well as organic acids, resins, essential oils ...
If you are caught with the cigarettes smelly and bitter to the taste of tobacco, so they very much protein. When burned it produces a substance with a horrible smell and taste. Since the second half of the XVI century, tobacco became popular as a medicinal plant. Tobacco sniffed, smoked through a pipe, chewed, mixed with various substances and used to treat colds, headache, toothache, skin and infectious diseases.
In I640-m appeared the poem "The Triumph of tobacco over a beer", in which the dignity of tobacco described the highest and enthusiastic words.
In the noble varieties of tobacco contain more carbohydrates. They're not nasty to the taste and have a pleasant smell. Connoisseurs know favorite kind of tobacco is the smell. A uniqueness attached to it including essential oils.
The very same process of smoking is not nothing but a slow decay of tobacco and paper. As a result, formation of dense clouds of smoke. This, of course, and the child knows. But not every adult knows what is really a smoker inhales into the lungs. But experts and the composition of the smoke has long been spread on the shelves and found that it contains more than 500 variety of substances. From their titles alone can easily hair would move: for example, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, radioactive elements ... And imagine, among these five hundred there is no useful substances! However, the most harmful from harmful, as is known - is nikotin.VNIMANIE! Lethal dose of nicotine for a man - 1 mg per 1 kilogram of weight. That is, one can calculate the weight of their deadly "pill. On average it is 50-75 mg.
It is easy to calculate that a person exposes himself to mortal danger, vykurivaya a day for 20-25 cigarettes.
However, this in theory. In fact, after a dose the smoker is still alive. Here's why.
First. With the smoke in person gets only about a quarter of the nicotine contained in tobacco.
Second. As cigarette smoke contains a chemical called formaldehyde. It may partially neutralize the poison. And successfully does.
Third. Smoker, perhaps, would have fallen dead from two and a half packs of cigarettes, if all they contain nicotine hit the body at once. However, it comes gradually. This saves.
Fourth. The organism is still not as stupid as his master-smoker, and, of course, works tirelessly, neutralizing nicotine poison. It is eliminated via the kidneys, lungs, sweat and salivary glands. And much faster than, for example, alcohol. Compare. After booze liver is restored within 2 weeks. And the body gets rid of nicotine in 2-3 days.
CAUTION This harm from smoking is not because the poison accumulates in the body, but due to the fact that smokers every day, methodically bombarded nicotine organs and systems of his body.
Moreover, as experts have found, you can somewhat reduce the risk of nicotine and the way of smoking. It appears on its harmfulness, they are not identical. As the first devices for smoke inhalation, the prototype of modern tubes were the most simple objects - pieces of reed, hollow bones and horns of animals.
Often inside the tubes were made battle axes - Tomahawks. The Indians could get nicotine doping without interruption from the fighting.
Some tribes did "earth tubes", which vaguely resembles a small stove. The smoke inhaled from it, leaning face to the ground. Alas, fans of the tube with us once or twice - and's all. Probably, because in an age of high technology humanity lacks the time everywhere. And ready at any moment to use a cigarette smoker has become dearer. Although in reality it is a pipe occupies the top rung on the ladder safety. Although, of course, the safety of tobacco can only speak highly conditional.
Ironically, it was a nasty acrid smoke that taketh his pipe, puts the smoker in a privileged position. It turns out he is so strong irritant effect that pipe smokers do not drag on, but simply hold the smoke in his mouth. In 1580, an English aristocrat, Sir Walter Raleigh established a tobacco plantation in Ireland, and later - some more, on colonial American territory. One of them he called the "Virginia", which later gave the name to the most popular varieties of tobacco. Walter Raleigh was sentenced in 1618 to death for the establishment of a diplomatic incident between Britain and Spain. He mounted the scaffold, smoking his favorite pipe.
By the way, smoking is not vzatyazhku can save health. For example, if you smoke a day, even on 40 cigarettes, but do not drag on or just inhale the smoke, the chance of developing lung cancer will be significantly less than after only 5 cigarettes but smoked for a deep breath.
But this is not important. Experts measured the temperature and the burning of tobacco in the tube. It is significantly lower than, for example, in the cigarette - all 250 C °. This means that when a pipe smoking produced significantly less polycyclic hydrocarbons, which scientists believe are harmful to human health because they are carcinogenic.
CAUTION: Only good tobacco contain less tar and nicotine. Cheap tobacco - the most harmful.
Is slightly smaller than the tube noble cigar. It is made from raw, whole leaf tobacco. The content of nicotine and tar is the highest - even more so that there is no filter in it does not, for example, in the cigarette. Nevertheless, experts have put it on the second level of security. And all because the combustion temperature is only slightly higher than in the tube, - 350 ° C. And the smoke of its fans, too, not inhaling. However, cigar smokers, it does not save. Nicotine is still absorbed through the mucous of the mouth. This means that instead of lung cancer is more likely to mouth or tongue. This is also a pleasant enough. According to the Spanish sailors, who arrived Oct. 15, 1492 with the expedition of Columbus to the shores of present-day Central America, the word "tobaco" the locals are large twisted leaves that are intended for ritual smoking. This is, perhaps, were the first in the history of smoking cigars.
The determining parameter is the diameter of a cigar. Cuban Cigars in the measurement of a length - 10 cm diameter - 1,2 cm
For example, panetelu - another relative of cigars - a cigar is not recognized. Despite the fact that its length is much greater. And all because the thickness is much smaller than the classic cigar.
Exceptions are made for Cuban panetel, whose total length is 11,7 cm (this is significantly shorter than that of panetel other countries), but it is larger in diameter - 1,4 cm, and therefore they have ranked as the saint canonized classic cigars.
Cigarillo called the convolution of tobacco, whose size is less than the classical format of cigars.
In standard cigarette contains less tar and nicotine, in addition, cigarette smoking room protects the filter. It would seem that this is a plus. And cigarettes and wants to declare itself safe. But no such luck.
At the end of the cigarette burning temperature is 750 degrees Celsius. This means that it is much more harmful than cigars and pipes, in which the temperature of combustion is almost half below. Therefore, experts believe a cigarette more harmful.
In addition, cigarette smoke is much less irritating the mucosa of the bronchi, and the smoking room "breathe" full chest. It destroys them. Because 90% of the combustion products of tobacco accumulates in their lungs and bronchi. The word "cigarette" of French origin and means "little cigar". However, the first of their similarity appeared in the Indian tribes. The practice of cigarette smoking emerged in the early XIX century in Spain and the Mediterranean countries. The most powerful impetus to cigarette smoking was during the Crimean War of 1854-1856 period. Russian and Turkish soldiers tobacco wrapped in paper tubes of gunpowder, which allowed them to quickly a smoke during a lull between the fighting. British soldiers were subsequently adopted this habit.
The difference between cigarettes with filter and without filter also proved. In one study, which was conducted in 7 different areas of Western Europe, experts surveyed 7,800 kurilok and 15,200 control individuals. They found that those who smoke cigarettes without filter, the risk of obtaining oncological disease was 2 times higher.
CAUTION: Cigarette Smoking to 40-years experience smokes approximately 300,000 cigarettes. During this time his body gets 1 kg of nicotine.
The filter, of course, reduces the risk, but does not rule. Fans of filtered cigarettes still die more often than non-smokers and their health bereguschie citizens.
Speaking of filters. Cigarette was in his first 50 years is now the last century. Then the first published results of studies that have shown that smokers die from cancer.
But no such luck. Smokers have not given up cigarettes, and ... demanded to be made safer alternatives. Manufacturers of joy clapped their hands and began to make a cigarette with a filter, which supposedly will save people from nicotine and other harmful substances. Joy of producers is quite understandable, because due to this innovation the price of cigarettes went up immediately. In 1776, during the war for independence in the U.S., the Americans used tobacco as collateral, they have received in France.
In 1826, chemical means receiving nicotine in pure form. Soon, scientists determine that nicotine - is poison.
During the Second World War cigarettes along with food included in soldiers' rations. Cigarette companies send millions of cigarettes at the front for free. As a result, after the military campaign producers get hundreds of thousands of potential consumers of cigarettes.
In 1952, the market has a cigarette "Kent" with a filter containing asbestos. This substance has been found guilty in the appearance of cancer. Production of cigarettes with such filter managed to stop in 1956.
In 1968 he had released the first cigarette, do not contain tobacco. They are made mostly of lettuce. Beznikotinovye cigarettes safely collapsed in the U.S. market.
But smokers are not dozing. In their filing, special commissions in some time checked the safety of cigarettes. I found that the first filters were the most by this fraud. Nothing they have not cleaned, no tar was not detained. After the charges producers had yet to fork out for research. As a result, and there were already real filters, partly precipitating harmful substances.
CAUTION Remember the whole life of a famous advertisement, which claims that the 7 drops of nicotine kill a horse. Unlike other advertising, this - not lying!
Cigarette - this is all terrible venom. It occupies the lowest rung on the ladder safety. Tobacco cigarette, of course, already cut and processed. This is certainly a plus. However, due to the lack of a filter in a cigarette contains more tar and nicotine than cigarettes. Fortunately, now there are few fans of cigarettes which have remained faithful to their addiction.
If you are convinced of the advantages of pipe tobacco, cigarettes and throw ... not in a hurry acquire pipe. Pipe smoking room, too, die. Let rarer. All true. But who can guarantee that you will not find yourself in the number of suicide? The only person who can not be afraid of the tube, - Sherlock Holmes. After all, he is still alive ...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Health Freedom Advocate Says Criminalizing Cigarettes is a mistake

The U.S. Congress has just voted to divide the tobacco as a medicine, the transfer of the FDA regulatory authority to control the advertising, marketing and sale of cigarettes. This hilarious move, if approved by the Senate and signed by the President, the FDA will put in the position of approving the sale of "drugs" that the entire medical community openly acknowledges kills millions of people. According to the CDC, tobacco kills 438,000 people each year in the United States alone (1). Now, thanks to the U.S. Congress, the FDA may soon be the government office responsible for the resolution of these 438,000 deaths per year!

Think about this: Currently, the FDA approved drugs kill about 100,000 Americans a year, but if you believe that conservative figures of American Medical Association (the real figure is at least twice). Add tobacco deaths in this list, and you have come to realize that the striking, if tobacco is considered to be FDA approved "drugs", then the FDA approved drugs kill more than half a million Americans every year! (538,000 deaths per year due to FDA approved drugs, using government statistics.)

This level of mortality that terrorists do not have even come close to approaching.

Why does not the FDA wants to regulate tobacco

It is clear that the FDA does not want to be in this position, because if the regulatory authority over tobacco is shoved to the FDA, it will be forced to declare an unapproved tobacco, drugs and unsafe to prohibit its sale.

Why? Since there were no clinical studies supporting the use of tobacco as a drug. And if it is seen as a drug, the FDA should apply the same rules to tobacco, that it applies to other substances. And it is not a series of clinical trials have shown tobacco can be safe and effective in treating diseases. (If, of course, Big Tobacco is funding the study, and in this case, cigarette smoke could be seen as cancer drugs, due to fraudulent and corrupt science researchers ...)

Thus, if the FDA were to follow their own rules, you will have to ban tobacco easy, considering it "unapproved drugs", and attacked all the tobacco companies, confiscating their inventory and drag them into court as to the FDA whether the diet pill companies, manufacturers, or cherry .

Of course, we could resolve the FDA NOT to selectively apply its own rules against tobacco companies, but it puts the agency in an even worse position to make an exception in its policy to combat drugs, providing the most dangerous "drugs" created as one that escapes regulatory suspiciously. This would make the FDA look even more regulatory failure, as has already been called into question the FDA simply builds its regulatory decisions on the size and influence of corporations instead of the victims of genuine public safety.

Because let's face it: Cigarettes will kill you. There is no great debate. Even doctors - who are the lowest in the world to accept new ideas - are on board this. Of course, it took them a few decades to stop the performance of Greater Tobacco ads in the Journal of the American Medical Association, and doctors used to take money from tobacco companies say cigarettes are "Recommended by doctors, but those days have long passed. Today, virtually all agree with smoking cigarettes is one of the most hazardous activities, and the consumer can do, when it comes to health.